Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Los Angeles 2023: Azteca Prayer Dance

Witnessing someone else pray
is a sacred dance,
an opportunity to take a spin
in their world view.

Sample, swallow, ingest their diet,
see how they consume experience,
and transform sensations into wisdom.

A deep dive inward into inner space,
is a flow into the depth of possibility,
allowing, permitting the astounding
to potentialize as the yet unimagined.

Resting, being supported by Space,
in its rawest restorative form,
after being shaped and shifted
through transformational
change of states.
Unconscious to conscious,
Space dust to spacious matters.

Prayers are the imagination asking,
visualizing more, using skills to imagine.
As all that matters shapes and forms,
it is willed into becoming more than imagined.
A culmination, an accumulation -
multiple sensations simultaneously
exploring Space and filling it with more.

Imagine Peace at the center of asking,
Peace at the core, wisdom in the code,
stillness in the dance, inhale, exhale.
You in charge of your peaceful life force,
causing breathing, by pouring in more of you,
being the effect, a individualized head and heart 
full of source energy, composed, wise to Peace.

All a dance from the realm
of recognizable to unrecognizable,
sensed to insensible, seen into unseen.

Peace enters the physical realm,
fills up with more existence,
fills already-full Space existing,
and seems to fully disappear,
as our attention loses track of the Peace,
at the center of all that lives in existence.

Yet, Peace is present in all living things.
Peace is at the core of all beings.
Peace is the first enlivening breath,
a force moving within all that lives.

Take a deep breath to recognize Peace.
Peace is within every cell of your being,
Peace sounds alive your genetic composition.
Peace is all around, within,
and is the fabric of your universality.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1402 Nezahualcoyoti wrote;

“We will pass away. 
I, Nezahualcoyotl, say, enjoy! 
Do we really live on earth? 
Ohuaya, ohuaya. 

Not forever on earth, only a brief time here! 
Even jades fracture; even gold ruptures, even quetzal plumes tear: 
Not forever on earth: only a brief time here! 
Ohuaya, ohuaya.”