Monday, April 6, 2020

Los Angeles 2020: Glimpse Inside

Walking around
my neighborhood today,
I make another new friend.
It is easy
when people are friendly.

The hummingbirds and lady bugs
move around with me.

I step around and over
the cat food thrown about
the sidewalk for the wild street cats.

One of the street cats is pregnant.
That means a kitten marathon parade
running through our yard's backlot -
the iron cat competition.

LAX is a few blocks in one direction,
fewer planes arrive each day, empty.
In the other direction, towards Hollywood,
are city fracking drills and oil rigs pumping.

When the wind blows the wrong way
the air smells of a cocktail mixture
shaken methane mice
stirred with etheric evergreens.

It’s a bizarre smell,
strange old musk antique,
yet modern industrial stink.

The constant hum of the city is bygone chic,
quiet and secretly stabilizing.
What happens inside the Earth
does not stay below ground,
but plays out in the surface residents.

Humans host organisms,
and microorganisms host other life forms -
then we all mix
in the river of blood
that runs through all of our veins.

I inhale your exhales.

We drink the same water,
Water already rained down,
a few times or more,
and run through
a few many life forms.

Living life,
in this biological bubble,
the watery suit of human ecology -
we are the virions,
who have gone viral,
in our virus environment.

We are simply made,
of the same ingredients,
as every living essence,
who has taken form.
Everything hosts life,
which hosts more life.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1904 Dr. Seuss wrote;
"From there to here, and here to there,
funny things are everywhere."