Monday, April 6, 2020

Los Angeles 2020: Legacy Footprint

When we do not count our blessings
then we fail in
global collective good.
The betterment
of our communities
is augmented
by our ability,
to put into practice -
the cherishing
of our common unity.
This, our home planet,
has a simple existence.
It’s easy living here,
versus living
on other
planetary bodies.

So, if, this existence
means and involves
valuing all life;
in all forms,
of every age,
in all dimensions -
then these our values
evolve us intelligently.

We become more,
more than now,
more than before,
more than
our combined pasts -
more than we currently

is the treasure
we all hope to gain.

It is our individual,
and collective,
sight seer abilities
growing stronger
with each experience;
that awareness
of ourselves,
and what we
choose to create -
this self-consciousness,
is what awards us
the title of
an 'evolved being'