Tuesday, March 12, 2019

London 2006: Crowded Alone

"Somewhere in the crowd stood a man alone.
His face expressed the century's old battle
of people leading their fate -
through the tides of change,
against an ocean of destiny.

This man, in the crowd, who stood alone
was not self-defeated, nor was he world weary.
His spirit was not worn away,
or cast down, nor downcast.
He was singing his own song.

This man wore a crown of one
who stands along the many roads less travelled -
highways traveled less by the multitudes
of feet wearing down the streets
from their feats of stepping over time.

Individuals walk through Life.
Pass through their individual walks of Life.
The transparency of living Life
is travelled by the few and by the many.
We all step over time, to pass the time.

We all visibly step over time, to invisibly pass the time.

To move through that time, to get into this time -
we must move time, to past time, to pass our time.

The gift of time is timeless, a temporary rift gifted
to each one of us on, experiencing this, timeline's gifts.
A temporal tear made by weaknesses in search of strength.
A time-storm is an unfamiliar time-lapse transporting the familiar, so all,
becomes one, time, transforming overfamiliar forms into unfamiliar uniforms.

The familiar becomes family to the unfamiliar.
The unfamiliar families a new life cycle which becomes familiar.

One timeless time-bound family
united by the ties and tides of time.
Each one of us is not alone in fate,
but individually wrapped
in singular experiences of destiny unfolding."

~~ Sometime after 1879, Albert Einstein said;
"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.
I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music.
I see my life in terms of music …
Once you can accept the universe
as matter expanding into nothing that is something,
wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.”

'Crowded Alone'

'Faceless Legs'

'High iLight'

'Seekers and Travellers'

'Light Shower'

'Anatomic Lines'

'Back to the Light'

'Coming Out of the Dark Ages It Seems'