Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Los Angeles 2019: Small Blue Crowd

Colour is a word spelt many ways, 
in many languages.

Through it's emanations from the heart, 
the colour blind sense it's presence.

Color is spelt many ways 
as a word, in languages, many praise it.

It has the heart of woman.nations, 
it's presence gifts sense of sight.

Some stories in dreamscape are in monochrome.

Some dreamscapes story-tell in dimensional colour.

If planet Earth was operating on an autocorrect default setting,

We would miss the diversity of rhythms and hues randomly created.

I explore all the colours. 
I see rainbows expanding their visibility.

Colours grow dimensionally, 
as depth perception is self-cultivated.

The portal between consciousness awake, 
and asleep, is rawly coloured.

The many are the few, 
and the few are the many-facetted.
Containing our planet's polishing,
we are the surfaces of this cut gem.

We are the small blue crowd,
swimming oceans and skies of reflective light.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1941, Hayao Miyazaki wrote;
"Take root in the ground, 
live in harmony with the wind, 
plant your seeds in the winter, 
and rejoice with the birds in the coming of spring."

"No matter how many weapons you have,
no matter how great your technology might be,
the world cannot live without love."

"Small Blue World"