Monday, January 20, 2020

Los Angeles 2020 : Distinction

The energy of ‘distinction’
mine, your's, our's -
collective distinction
and each distinct individual.

You are distinct.
You are distinctive.
You are distinctively living your distinction.
Your individual unique Soul’s presence is distinct.
Your true nature is to live your distinction. 

How does your distinction manifest?
How are you distinctly different?
How does your distinctive self grow it’s distinctive presence?

As the creator of your distinction,
are you aware of how others experience your distinction?

How you see yourself as distinctive,
becomes how others experience your distinctive presence.

You are coded, at the core of your being,
with your distinction.

Cultivating your distinct frequency of living
is akin to vibrational doctoring of your eminence.

The purity of your distinction,
your living essence at the core of your being,
is embodied to broadcast your distinction far and wide.

To see, is to feel, is to experience,
is to be aware of your distinct self.

Your Awareness directs your distinction,
you distinctly change every body and every thing
you come into contact with.

Your distinction alters space, form and time.

To cultivate your distinction
is to use your Extra Sensory Abilities
to sense your existence -
in a precognitive, past-cognitive,
and post-cognitive way.
All of you, within everything,
coexists simultaneously.

Sensory perception
is the ability to sense your existence
and sense your distinction -
in all  of you, within everything,
coexisting simultaneously.

is touching various everythings
under your observation -
in a way that they,
those everything sense you,
and you sense yourself in them.

Your distinction self-permeates existence
and permits your existing.
It is in being yourself,
that you know yourself
and every thing knows you.”

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1936, Pema Chodron wrote;
“To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake
is to be continually thrown out of the nest.
To live fully is to be always in no-man's-land,
 to experience each moment as completely new and fresh.
To live is to be willing to die over and over again.”