Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yucatan 1986: Integrated Power Produces Certainty

I think I am dreaming, 
when I see a face of a woman,
trapped in the ruins of a temple, 
overlooking the ocean.

I see this woman imagine her future, 
and then let go of her grasp on time.
Her next choice is cleared, 
reduced into an incremental moment.
Her result is grounded,
an accessible next step in time.

I touch the crumbling stone ledge, 
the angelic-fallings resting
on this window sill, 
still here, 
as a life-force-surge imprinted by sorrow.

The woman’s essence remains, 
from once upon a time long before now.
Confined and ghostly-hand printed
transparent remnants left for me to feel
and fold into my presence – 
this woman has surpassed time and its boundaries.

The woman’s emotions enter 
and overwhelm me – 
I feel her.
I feel her fear 
that her soul is falling, 
over a cliff edge
to be frenzied and churned, 
by the milky-white waves crashing below.

People here tell me stories of a Goddess,
who guards these temple grounds, 
where she was eventually imprisoned.
She found absolution in isolation -
isolation in birth and isolation in death.

Memory is a force, 
that goes beyond this incarnation.
Without knowing why
I am transported back in time
to the moment 
my consciousness entered the fertilized egg.
I tap into the courage awarded me
the moment I chose birth canal exit 
into an expanded community of consciousness.

Memory it is not a force that needs to be feared.
Memory communicates to me
to recall my personal power –
the unique, individualized original essence of me.
My afterbirth bits of my energy ...
I unconsciously left behind ...
somewhere ...
scattered back in time ...
overtime embedded within
the various life experiences, of me.

Our bodies can reflect 
the sum, total, all 
of our experience.

Empowered and strengthened
I am carried to the ledges of my own intentions.
I do not yet comprehend my decisions,
but I am required to face the fear
of my unknown choices.
I must let go not knowing
what my results will surrender me to.

Perhaps this Mayan woman, 
whose spirit has long since passed from this planet, 
intentionally left behind
the heart-prints of her Soul to show me ...
how to use my intention
to replenish my passion,
and integrate this power ...
my power into my presence.

Since re-membering all my experiences, 
from birth into present time,
I feel less like a concept
and more grounded in the reality of my own existence.
I feel less scattered, shattered and overshadowed,
I feel more fully the daily experience of reincarnating  -
waking up and reintegrating back into my body.

Each event surrounding my past, present and future 
has clarified and cleared 
from my felt experiences held within my body.
The sensation of my integrated power releasing
produces a certain kind of certainty -
certainty that I am ...
certainty that being still ...
certainty that being at peace ...
creates a certain kind of knowingness ...
that I am here.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime around the year 600 BC, Sappho wrote;
“You may forget but let me tell you this:
someone in some future time will think of us…
Although they are only breath, 
words … are immortal.”

"The Secret Life of Water"