Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Los Angeles 2017: Life Loves Colour

I feel like a planetary nebula
revolving in a constellation
when I sit my attention
in the center of my heart.
I watch the trafficking
of other people's creations
spinning around me,
but this I can only do
if I keep my awareness still -
this I can only see
if I keep my awareness centered
on myself.

Space, my relationship to it.
Spacial awareness.
Spacial recognition.
Spacial differentiation.
Spacial depth perception.
Life loves colour and form.

A moment ago, I googled "planetary nebula".
I wanted to see this described,
by some human perspective,
by some humans seeking perspective.
It strikes me often that the meaning
humans attribute to things outside themselves,
are often a metaphor for their own life.

Humans make up words based on something
they experience outside themselves.
Humans see something then feel the need
to describe it to someone else -
in order to have the experience
it must first be understand to be owned.
I believe that this human pattern of behavior
has become a recognizable tradition over time.

Human recognition of
function over form,
form over essence,
substance over form,
existence preceding essence,
essence preceding existence.
Are humans determined by
what surrounds them, by actions or words?
I, who freely, transform my situation into action.
I, who have, ability to see the world for myself.
I, who see, myself amidst all inner outer worlds.

A poet once said,
"... the world is
a mirror of my freedom".
"... man first of all exists,
encounters himself,
surges up in the world –
and defines himself afterwards."

A moment ago, I googled "constellation".
I wanted to see this described,
by some human perspective,
by some humans seeking perspective.
It strikes me often that the meaning
humans attribute to things outside themselves,
are often a metaphor for their own life.
Looking at an other body to understand their body.

Constellation: a group of stars
forming a recognizable pattern
that is traditionally named
after its apparent form formed.
Modern astronomers divide the sky
into eighty-eight constellations
with defined boundaries.
A group, or cluster, of related things.
Example given: "no two bodies ever show
exactly the same constellation of symptoms."

Planetary nebula: is a kind of
emission nebula consisting of
an expanding, glowing shell of
ionized gas ejected from
old red giant stars late in their lives.
Nebulas were once thought to be cloud, mist -
being a relatively short-lived phenomenon,
their bodies expiring only after
a few tens of thousands of years,
compared to a typical stellar lifetime
of several billion of years of formation,
before recomposing their bodies to deform.
Body creates another body.

A mechanism for formation
of most planetary nebulae
is thought to be the following:
At the end of the Star's life,
the outer layers of the Star
are expelled by strong stellar winds.
After most atmosphere is dissipated,
a planetary nebula nucleus,
the ultraviolet radiation
at the hot luminous core,
ionizes the outer layers
earlier ejected from the Star.
Body creates another body.

Around the central Star,
absorbed ultraviolet light
energizes the shell of nebulous gas,
causing the Star to appear
as a brightly colored
planetary nebula.

Body is formed from the body of another.
We all live in bodies formed by other bodies.
Bodies linked and formed over time,
a lemniscate temple housing memories -
a place-value store of treasure
crafted over millions of years,
googolplexes of bodies forming
an infinitude of perpetual ephemeral bodies.

I feel like a planetary nebula
revolving in a constellation -
when I sit my attention
in the center of my heart.

When I sit my attention
in the center of my heart.
I watch the trafficking
of other people's creations
spinning around me.

This I can only do
if I keep my awareness still.

This I can only see
if I keep my awareness centered -
on my own body, my own form,
and what lives within my self.

I, then experience, Life in many forms.
I, that Life loves, making diverse forms.
I, that Life colors, by unifying all its forms.
I, We, Life - all,
all its colors, shapes and forms.
Life loves color.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1904, Joseph Campbell wrote;
"Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again."