Friday, September 17, 2010

Los Angeles 2010: Reality of Me

My heart speaks to me, in songs
and sonnets, music and lyrics.

My heart was broken, it lay dying –
full of all the energies that bring a person down,
deep, down, deep into the ground.
Alive, yet buried, in a hole of my own making.

I stopped dying
enough was enough -
no more heart ache,
no more struggle, or sorrow.
I halted my life,
took my hands away from my throat.
Within myself, I stopped the choking
which was draining the tears from my soul.

I started living by giving.
I gave myself permission
to see the unknown,
and express my inexpressible.
I decided to give to my Self,
and to receive from my Self.
I decided to express my Self,
and to listen to my Self.
I decided to validate my Self
and to respect my Self.
My well Being thrives
by how well I treat my Self.

My heart is a liquid, vaporous organ -
the organizer of all my sensory experience,
the sum total of my existences –
physical yet emotional,
conscious of my unconsciousness.

My heart loves movement,
it needs to be moved,
to move, to unearth, the buried,
to transform all blocks,
to open, to love
every aspect of my Self -
the as yet to be loved,
the soon to be discovered –
the near to being nourished,
and the close to being understood.

My heart is a rhythm and a rhyme
basking in the Lunar glow
of each Sunrise and Sunset.
I gather the energies of creation,
to transition within me the me -
the me, patient to be, here, now.
I still the me resistant,
I unstick the me stuck-transfixed.

As I gaze inward, to see -
I see peace,
I see peace sees me.
Peace is me,
my natural state of breath.
Peace is my state of grace,
and my persistence of vision.

I already am
my truth of knowing
that which I see.
I am that,
the me which is
the failure of eternal illusion.
I am that,
the me which is
the success of eternal reality.
I am that simplicity,
the me which is
the simple existence within me.
Reality of me.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints~~
Sometime around 1971 Don McLean wrote and sang;
“So there’s no need for turning back
`cause all roads lead to where we stand.
And I believe we’ll walk them all
No matter what we may have planned.”

"Self-Portrait - Driving to Crystal Creek Rainforest" (Australia)