Sunday, June 5, 2011

Polynesia Society Islands 1989: Trust in the Moment. Moment by Moment Nobility, Illuminates That Within

In Polynesia death is represented as a journey,
crossing a body of water, a river or ocean.
Reunion comes 
with family and friends gone before, 
who chant welcome 
to commemorate 
the arrival of the latest,
to pass from our shores.
Those who pass over from this path of life.
Those who pass on 
between the two worlds,
that may be traveled 
in either direction.

Voyagers emerge,
who have left 
the physical dimension behind -
the arrival of strangers from the sea
is fortuitous and welcomed.
The sea is the ocean of life.

Traveling via the seas, 
like ancestors before me,
I create a ritual 
to celebrate the celestial map above me.
The joy of seeing the work of ages 
reflected beyond me, 
and mirrored below 
underneath me. 
In the sea I see
the shining illumination of the stars.
It is as if the galactic heavens 
are mirrored on each universal planet,
and our earth life is reflected back as stars in our cosmos.

I am above everything on the surface, neutrality is harmony.
The peace of the ocean’s face is rippled by wind gusts. 
Gentle kisses blown at pink, black and white coral reefs,
whose noses poke out over the turquoise water’s facade.
Soldierfish and Swordfish aggress
the musical wake of Angelfish and Harpfish.
Butterflyfish and Parrotfish are buoyant 
a chorus of humour that keeps our world afloat.

Gold breaks the clouds 
into vessels of mystic gems 
reflecting onto billowing surf.
A ray of sunlight illuminates my hands 
as I turn the pages of my book.
I read a tale of Maui, a Polynesian trickster ...
and cultural hero whose actions accidentally,
or otherwise, undid the efforts of others.

Maui was a rebel, 
a seducer and toppler of established hierarchies.
He flaunted the conventions of strict social order 
and the customs of tapu (taboo).
He represented the power of the weak over the mighty -
the commoner, and outcast, over the privileged.
Maui is the instigator of change 
in present-day circumstances ...
youthful fearlessness ...
daring to swim the depths of darkness,
lit only by the illusionary, still, surface, moonlight.

I read another Oceanic story 

recounting praise for the untold mothers,
whose maternal genetics are inherited 
from thousands of years of motherhood.
It says, 
"Our souls walk into bodies forming within our mothers,
our bone is from her bone, our blood is from her blood –
our atomics, cellular and DNA are the inherited life experiences 
of our ancestors ... sounds, smells, tastes, touch and sight."

These words relate the sounds of the all-encompassing, 
our sound of our world forming.
I read on, 

"First within there was movement 
omnipresent sound, colour and light".

I feel the textures of our tapestry eternally weaving 
backward and forward into infinity -
the entangled knitting of our origins,
within our actions that sew us together.
Prophetically, all the planet’s children 
are a mended lineage encircling the edge.
We children traverse the threshold, 
to end the cycle of humanity demonstrating destructivity.

This story describes 

the mystics,
who hold the power of being, 
the feminine,
who returns to light up the planet,
the citizens 
with instinctive intuition.
These great mothers 
are called guiding lights,
Souls that appear in clouds
as full moons sailing 
to the people of the earth ...
to show them how to embody 
the feminine grace of the unimaginable.

By practicing 
trust in the moment -
moment by moment nobility
is illuminated 
in the spirit of our toils.
Practicing trust in the moment -
moment by moment nobility,
illuminates That within.

~~ Other People's Fingerprints ~~
Sometime after 1709, Dr. Samuel Johnson said;
“Nothing will ever be attempted,
if all possible objections must first be overcome …”